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Regional Cooperation, Operability, and Organizational Partnerships (RE-COOP):


Using Game Theory to Assess and Improve Integration in

Tribally Inclusive Geographic Areas to Reduce Risks and Economic Impacts 

The project is about achieving regional, local, and tribal integration to reduce risks and the economic impacts of disaster and terror events for emergency management (EM) and community organizations among Tribally Inclusive Geographic Areas jurisdictions (TIGA).  It expands the CRIOS model and tool with game theory applications (Cumulative Regional Integrated Operability Score).


The CRIOS model and tools are designed for a risk assessment among a TIGA EM with multiple jurisdictions and their collaborative participation. Please see the CRIOS model, tool template, and slide shows for self guided directions at         .  . The CRIOS model and tool is based on its implementation with 20 TIGA EM to assess risks and improve capabilities, services, and resources across jusridictions. If you prefer a workshop with the CRIOS team, please send an email to


To benefit TIGA EM, the RECOOP project estimates risks of cooperation about preparedness and mitigation across regional jurisdictions and community organizations. With a diversity of TIGA EM participation and survey feedback, critical indicators are examined to assist decisions about logistical, behavioral, and economic challenges of cooperation. The RECOOP goal is to improve the whole community approach with participatory research of the TIGA EM.


Consulting services with the RECOOP team is an outcome for the TIGA EM who participate. For each TIGA EM, the results of the game theory model are reveiwed with the participants. Based on comparative TIGA EM research, faciltation of solutions for improved capabilities, services, and resources across jurisidictions are available upon request. Applied RECOOP research may indicate a variety of options from sharing specific resources or services to seeking grants across jurisdictions for mutual improvements.  The RECOOP team can assist with outcomes, outputs, and impacts of these decisions using the game theory model for risk management and risk reduction for each TIGA EM. 

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