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The Applied Research in Environmental Sciences Nonprofit, Inc. (ARIES) is dedicated to providing high quality charitable, scientific, and educational research. ARIES is a research association in which multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects are emphasized. In all of its projects, ARIES support academic studies and public engagement with expertise and support in the current areas of geology, oceanography, marine science, geosciences, remote sensing, archaeology, applied anthropology, public health, social work, public history, and historical ecology. Projects are developed with integrated teams of varied but relevant disciplines. Therefore, collaboration with other organizations, academic institutions, and corporations are pursued to benefit the projects.


By maintaining a policy of confidentiality for all of our services, expertise and support functions, we wish to ensure that your participant privacy is respected. An important way of insuring confidentiality is to provide you with procedures regarding our policy on confidentiality and understanding the nature of communications among you, our researchers and research students. Any information you provide to ARIES researchers, staff, and students, related to your inquiries, discussions, and data sharing is confidential and cannot be utilized beyond its intended purposes without your permissions.


No research information of any kind is given to anyone unless you specifically request it or provide consent in writing, except where it may compromise the project’s research. If your permission is needed (i.e., conference presentations, meetings, reports, manuscripts, articles, etc.) the relevant project lead will make a request in writing with an explanation and a time line for your reply.


No one outside the project team has access to your data records and no one else can be given information without your written consent. Survey/interview records and data are separately maintained from other research projects. Access to your records, which are collected for the project, is limited to the legitimate team who needs to use them for data analyses and interpretations.  Storage of the data records is online which is password and login protected.


Your survey/interview records and data are available for your review, should you request it in writing or access it online with a secure password and login. Information  conveyed by anyone else, other than the participants’ data, to the project researchers, partners, and research students is not considered confidential and may be shared.


Unless you instruct us otherwise, please be advised that there may be times when the project team may need to contact you or respond to you via voice mail, facsimile machine, cellular phone, email, and/or answering machine. It is important, however, for you to realize there is the potential that these messages could be inadvertently received or overheard by an unintended third party.


If you have any questions on confidentiality or other procedures, please bring them to the attention of your project lead /research team leader. ARIES encourages you to help us maintain high quality services through your active participation and knowledge sharing.


Your participation in the research and data collection provides your informed consent.



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